High frequency traders (particularly electronic market makers) also tend to have a very broad portfolio, trading on hundreds what is a dark pool of different equities simultaneously, rather than confining themselves to a particular specialism. The presence of high frequency traders in dark pools (as on exchanges) therefore means that institutional investors are able to trade when they want to, and often at the price they want. The SEC has implemented several rules to increase transparency in dark pool trading and prevent fraudulent activities.
Regulators are sufficiently uneasy with the possibility that large volumes may mitigate to SIs, which would Decentralized finance necessitate rewriting the rules. Whether investors will redirect their trading activities to conventional exchanges, as intended by the new regulations, or if new infrastructure will emerge in the market to bypass the barriers imposed by MiFID II, remains uncertain. The MiFID II directive, focusing on the harmonization of pre-trade transparency, introduced the “double volume cap”.
It is one of the largest dark pools in the world and offers institutional investors a high level of anonymity and liquidity. In New York Stock Exchange, these alternative trading systems provide off-exchange trading opportunities for investors while complying with regulatory requirements. The primary use of a dark pool is allowing institutional investors to trade large blocks of securities anonymously. Additionally, institutional investors use dark pools to reduce transaction costs and execute trades efficiently without causing significant market disruptions.
According to the complaint, the investment bank altered “material purporting to show the extent and type of high frequency trading in its dark pool”, and the proportion of aggressive HFT activity in its dark pools [11]. Living up to their “dark” name, these pools have no public transparency by design. Institutional investors, such as mutual fund managers, pension funds, and hedge funds, use dark pool trading to buy and sell large blocks of securities without moving the larger markets until the trade is executed. In fact, in February of 2022, only ~53% of trading happened on traditional exchanges. This means that almost half of trading activity did not register in traditional market data feeds (stock prices) from stock exchanges. This trading is happening behind the curtain, in private dark pools, unbeknownst to the average investor.
The Company is not a custodian, exchange, financial institution, trading platform, fiduciary or insurance business outside the purview of financial regulatory authorities. InsiderFinance takes the guesswork out of trying to interpret dark pool prints. “The key benefit is not operating dark books in isolation, but rather in combination with other order books,” he stated, a tactic he says many venues are focused on. Employing multiple approaches in tandem, and allowing for client-oriented customisation interactions, allows for a “stitching back together of different types of liquidity that might otherwise miss each other”, he explained. Any information posted by employees of IBKR or an affiliated company is based upon information that is believed to be reliable. However, neither IBKR nor its affiliates warrant its completeness, accuracy or adequacy.
Some have argued that dark pools have a built-in conflict of interest and should be more closely regulated. Buying these shares on the dark pool means that ABC Investment Firm’s trade won’t affect the value of the stock. It also won’t alert anyone else about the trade, which means that speculators won’t jump on board and follow suit, thereby driving the price up even higher.
Because dark pools facilitate HFT, it can be argued that dark pools also increase market efficiency. With trades scattered across public and private venues, there is a risk that the public exchanges might lose enough trading volume, potentially reducing the quality of publicly available price information. Transactions in Dark Pools are executed at varying prices, which could be pegged to the volumes weighted average prices of the stock on public markets, or at the midpoint of the bid and ask prices available on public exchanges. Every market specialist has delusions of grandeur that their market is “unique”.
With the increasing reliance on trading through technologically advanced systems, automated limit orders create nearly continuous fluctuating liquidity (Kraa, 2011). Consequently, the need for conventional market makers to guarantee liquidity has diminished over time. In today’s financial markets, continuous trading is typically facilitated by a limit order book system. However, dark pools do not display quotes and lack market makers or visible limit order books, necessitating alternative means of providing liquidity. Dark trading can also create negative externalities, such as reduced transparency and increased transaction costs for trades executed outside of dark platforms (Mercurio, 2013) [7].
There’s also a mountain of paperwork, exchange fees to pay, and complicated access methods. They act as a neutral third party, matching buyers and sellers without having a stake in the trades. Examples of agency brokers or exchange-owned entities include ITG, Liquidnet, Instinet, T Rowe Price etc. FINRA makes weekly trading information for each equity ATS publicly available after a two- to four-week delay, depending on the type of stock, in an effort to enhance transparency in that market. FINRA also publishes data for trades conducted over the counter on other venues.
Moreover, the free market hypothesis promotes financial deregulation and restricts government intervention to correct market failures (Malkiel, 2011). These trends are based on the view that rational and informed market participants, equipped with advanced quantitative methods and novel financial instruments, can efficiently manage risk. Institutional investors avoid the market impact that comes with trading large volumes of shares on public exchanges by using dark pools. This is because when a large trade is executed on a public exchange, it can signal to the market that there is significant buying or selling pressure, which can cause the price of the stock to move against the trader.
They require dark pools to register with them and comply with the same regulatory requirements as public exchanges. They also require dark pools to disclose information about their trading practices and the types of participants they allow to trade in their pools. There have already been developments to circumvent the new regulation, including the use of SIs, where firms execute trades for in-house clients against their own book, rather than against other firms. This is essentially running their own private exchanges, exempting them from most of MiFID II’s requirements. Empirical evidence suggests that liquidity appears to be shifting into periodic auctions, where investors regularly auction shares throughout the day (Besson et al., 2019). If the result of the trading caps is to divert trading from dark pools to periodic auctions, then policymakers and regulators have not really achieved their goals.
When subsequent orders are executed, profits are instantly obtained by HFT traders who then close out their positions. This form of legal piracy can occur dozens of times a day, reaping huge gains for HFT traders. The number of trades excluded rises in a similar pattern across both exchanges as MEQ increases, however there is a steeper decline in the notional value captured on Chi-X as compared to ASX. My gut feel is that this is due to a higher portion of passive dark trading on Chi-X being a result of institutional broker algos and market makers, which have a lower average trade size. On the flip side, broker dark pools have continued to lose share in Australia (FIGURE 1 shows their relatively small contribution to overall notional).
Specifically, MiFID II and MiFIR aim to consolidate market harmonization, reduce the negative impact of algorithmic trading and increase financial disclosure of dark trading platforms. However, since the implementation of MiFID II on January 3, 2018, the development process has been continuously evolving, implying that the final outcome of the new legislation is yet to be determined. Investment banks typically run dark pools, but some other institutions run them as well, including large broker-dealers, agency brokers, and even some public exchanges. Some trading platforms, where individual investors buy and sell stocks, also use dark pools to execute trades using a payment for order flow.